Coach Sunny seen demonstrating good football skills to children. [Photo by Yu Zhaoyu]
Sunny Dulai, a youth coach of the Premier League club West Brom, directed two practice sessions for the Jonoon Football Club on August 5 and 6. In these sessions the U11 elite team competed against the U12 elite team, and the U9 elite team competed against the U10 elite team. After the matches, Sunny also conducted exchanges with the Jonoon Football Club coaches.
Sunny demonstrated sound skills and encouraged children to actively participate in the training where he utilized some interesting coaching drills. He also made sure to remind the children of incorrect movements, improper techniques, and their potential consequences.
All of the trainees listened carefully to each of the coach's instructions. They all worked extra hard to exhibit on the field what they had learned from Sunny. Each of them enjoyed every single moment of this special training event.
According to the organizer, the event offered coaches and young footballers in Zhongshan an opportunity to learn advanced concepts from a worldclass-leading football coach. As a result, new vitality will be brought to the development of teenage level football in Zhongshan.
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