The Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Torch Development Zone Branch jointly organized an activity with the Harmonious Labor Relations Promotion Association (HLRPA) of Torch Development Zone days before to explain the "Guidance on the Establishment of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) of Labor Dispute of Zhongshan City" and hire part-time mediators.
The first 21 part-time mediators in TDZ will play an active role in reducing and preventing labor disputes and truly promoting worker-employer harmony.
It is reported that the HLRPA as of now has 38 member units, and has equally been involved in 33 cases of labor dispute mediation over the past two years and mediated 28 cases.
The HLRPA has at the same time reached a cooperation agreement with the ZOS Park to provide labor relations and human resources consulting services to more than 60 companies in the Park.
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