A wild masked palm civet was freed to the Changjiang Reservoir Reserve on December 14. [Photo by Li Xusheng]
A brown masked palm civet with a furry tail was released into the wild on December 14 after "living" for a month in the Nature Reserve Management and Protection Center of Zhongshan Bureau of Natural Resources (ZSBNR).
According to staff of the ZSBNR, the small animal was rescued in Shenwan Town by inspectors when it was found for sale. The masked palm civet was first handed over to the local forestry station, and later sent to the management and protection center.
On that same day, the ZSBNR also released a heron and a night heron, both of which were found injured by the citizens and sent to the management and protection center for protection.
Since this year, the ZSBNR has released hundreds of wild animals thus representing a decrease from previous years.
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