A ship docked at Zhongshan Sinotrans Wharf on July 15. The crew turned off the engine, pulled a wire from the ship to connect with the shore power equipment at the wharf, and pressed the ship's power conversion switch, easily switching to a shore power supply.
"The usage rate of shore power at Zhongshan's wharves has been 90% since January this year, ranking among the top in Guangdong. It has improved the air quality of port areas and contributed to success in the Blue-Sky Protection Campaign on Zhongshan waters," said a spokesman for the Zhongshan Bureau of Transport, adding that up to now, 12 non-dangerous goods wharves in Zhongshan have achieved full utilization of shore power.
Shore power means that ships berthing at a wharf turn off their own auxiliary generators and switch to clean energy provided by the wharf to supply power to the main ship-borne systems, which is an environmentally friendly way to power the ship.
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