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Rural revitalization investment promotion conference scheduled for Sep 20
Updated: 2023-09-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan will become the first prefecture-level city in Guangdong Province to host a rural revitalization-themed investment promotion conference on September 20.

The conference will include key projects presentation, project signing ceremonies, the inauguration of the Zhongshan Rural High-quality Development Investment Promotion Team, the unveiling of the investment promotion cloud platform among other activities.

Previously, the Zhongshan Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs had surveyed the investment needs of 300 enterprises, held three matchmaking meetings, and invited 37 national and provincial leading agricultural enterprises, culture and tourism enterprises, and industry associations to visit and inspect Zhongshan.

As of September 15, fifty-one villages in 21 towns and districts have launched 103 rural revitalization-themed investment promotion projects, with a total of 70,000 mu of agricultural land prepared, which laid a sound foundation for the high-quality development of rural revitalization in Zhongshan.

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