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ZS has 3 more 'Guangdong Overseas Chinese Business Bases'
Updated: 2023-11-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2023 annual conference of the Entrepreneur Alliance of GDFROC was held in Guangzhou on November 20 to unveil the third batch of "Guangdong Overseas Chinese Business Bases".

The Nanlang Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base, the Huangpu Rongdian 3U Industrial Park and the Tanzhou Tan's Park were included in the Guangdong Overseas Chinese Business Base list.

Representatives of the Xiaolan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base for Hong Kong and Macao Youth and the Nanlang Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base introduced their experience in park construction.

At present, Zhongshan has 8 Guangdong Overseas Chinese Business Bases, ranking behind only Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

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