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Municipal roads in Cuiheng New District open to traffic
Updated: 2024-05-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Four municipal roads in the Tech-Fin City area of Cuiheng New District have been completed and opened to traffic.

The road network of this area is situated in the north-central part of Ma'an Island. It includes 8 roads, with a combined length of approximately 7 kilometers.

The four newly-opened roads are as follows:

Heqing Road: Spanning Xiqing Road in the west to Xiwan Road in the east, with a length of 215 meters. It is a four-lane two-way road with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

Hexiao Street: Starting from Xiqing Road in the west and ending at Xiwan Road in the east, with a length of 281.9 meters. It is a four-lane two-way street with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

Chongyi Street: Spanning Xiwan Road in the west to Xiangshan Avenue in the east, with a length of 854.7 meters. It is a four-lane two-way street with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

Herui Road: Starting from Donghui Road in the west and ending at Donglin Road in the east, spanning a length of 367.3 meters. It is a five-lane two-way road with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

These roads bring benefits to enterprises such as Akeso and Longsys. Another 4 roads are expected to be finished before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link.

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