CCTV Channel 2 (CCTV-2) aired an episode of the "Consumption Advocacy" program on the evening of January 2, focusing on Guangdong preserved food and exploring the making of Huangpu Preserved Meat.
Goose liver sausages, preserved meat with lotus leaves, air-dried salted geese, preserved pig hearts, heads and livers... It turns out that there are many new processing ways of preserved food.
A processing workshop of preserved meat in Zhongshan's Huangpu Town. (Photo by Feng Mingmin)
As a national geographical indication product, Huangpu Preserved Meat carries the unique customs and hustle and bustle of the town. The traditional making techniques have also been included in the Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage List. This is not only an honor but also a recognition of the painstaking efforts and wisdom of countless craftsmen.
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