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6 schools jointly offer 'Higher Vocational Specialty Pilot Classes'
Updated: 2019-05-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The Zhongshan Polytechnic.[Photo/]

Starting 2019, secondary vocational graduates in Zhongshan have another way to get further studies. This year's graduates of local secondary vocational schools (including technical secondary schools, vocational secondary schools and technical schools), previous graduates with local registered permanent residence, as well as secondary vocational graduates who are migrant children living in Zhongshan and meeting relevant enrollment conditions, can apply for the two-year "Higher Vocational Specialty Pilot Classes" that higher vocational colleges set up in secondary vocational schools.

Recently, Department of Education of Guangdong Province issued a notice, clarifying that 47 public higher vocational colleges within Guangdong would set up pilot classes for higher vocational specialties in 66 secondary vocational schools. The independent enrollment will start from this year. A total of 3 public higher vocational colleges in Zhongshan will set up pilot classes in 3 secondary vocational schools, with an enrollment number of 1,607.

Specifically, Zhongshan Polytechnic, Zhongshan Torch Polytechnic and Guangdong Polytechnic Institute will respectively open 18, 4 and 4 pilot classes in Zhongshan Technical Secondary School, Shaxi Vocational School of Zhongshan, and Jianbin Vocational Technical School. The total 26 pilot classes will cover such 18 specialties as Internet of Things, animation production, electromechanical technology, etc.

According to an official representative of the Zhongshan Education and Sports Bureau, the pilot classes will train talents in the form of joint speciality and cultivation between higher vocational colleges and secondary vocational schools. The 6 pilot schools will join forces in building a teaching team and formulating a talent training program. Student who completes prescribed courses and meets the graduation requirements will be issued a full-time higher vocational college diploma.

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