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Zhongshan plans to recruit 580 new soldiers this year
Updated: 2020-07-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On the afternoon of July 1, the Zhongshan Conscription Office held a centralized office and business training mobilization meeting.

In 2020, the recruitment work in Zhongshan will continue to focus on high-quality talented individuals, with a conscription goal of 580 soldiers. At present, over 5,000 people had signed up for conscription online.

According to reports, this year the conscription targets mainly college graduates and college students. For the first time, the proportion of college students has been raised to 74%, and that of college graduates has been raised to 18%.

At present, colleges and universities in all townships and districts have carried out preliminary examinations. City-wide physical examinations and political examinations will begin in August, and new recruiters will be dispatched in September.

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