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Tsuihang New District to build a new foreign language school
Updated: 2020-09-07    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Juyi (Zhongshan) Education Investment Co Ltd will cooperate with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies to build an international foreign language school of a 12-year system in Zhongshan's Tsuihang New District.

The project has a planned land area of 229 mu (about 152,667 square meters) with a total investment of 900 million yuan. There will be 150 classes, including 72 classes for elementary school, 36 for junior high school and 42 for senior high school, which can give high-quality education to about 6,000 students.

The school will cooperate with well-known foreign schools to carry out an internationally qualified education and provide supporting educational services according to the differentiated educational needs of students. After graduation, students can either enter higher education in China and take the college entrance examination, or further their studies abroad.

Tsuihang New District is committed to providing first-class public services in education, medical care, culture, sports and so on. Ma'an Island in Tsuihang New District plans to build 2 secondary schools, 7 junior high schools, 13 primary schools and 17 kindergartens.

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