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4th Zhongshan 'Top 10 Craftsmen' unveiled
Updated: 2020-09-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


An award ceremony was held for the 4th Zhongshan "Top 10 Craftsmen" selection on the evening of September 24 at the Zhongshan Culture & Art Center to reward annual "Top 10 Craftsmen" in Zhongshan and the winners of the Craftsmanship Spirit Awards of the Year and the Craftsmanship Spirit Promotion Awards of the Year.

Ten skilled craftsmen including Cheng Dongyun, Yin Dinghong and Hai Chunwei were selected as the "Top 10 Craftsmen" this year. Li Haiqing, Li Naiyang and Xiao Xiangrong won the "Craftsmanship Spirit Awards of the Year", while Li Xiaoyu, Wang Xinmin, Wei Jiazheng and Zheng Yaorong won the "Craftsmanship Spirit Promotion Awards of the Year".

A total of 150 skilled craftsmen in Zhongshan signed up for the selection that was launched last December.

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