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Zhongshan opens a course for Cantonese Opera inheritance
Updated: 2021-03-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Enrollment of the Cantonese Opera Inheritance Zhongshan Program began for the first time on March 16. The Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Research Institute will cooperate with Guangdong Dance and Drama Vocational College to subsidize and train 30 junior college students majoring in traditional Chinese opera through a five-year education program starting from junior high school. There will be 10 male and 10 female students majoring in Cantonese opera performance, and 10 students majoring in Cantonese opera music accompaniment.

Candidates are required to register through the "Enrollment System for Five-year Higher Vocational Education in Guangdong Province" from March 16 to 21. Admitted students will be exempted from tuition and accommodation fees during the basic study period.

"I hope the Zhongshan program can train more Cantonese opera talent persons to inherit traditional culture," said Huang Jiayu, the program's teaching coordinator, also vice president of the Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Research Institute and diva and leader of the Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Troupe.

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