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Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School a PKU 'Boya Co-education Base'
Updated: 2021-04-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Peking University (PKU) awarded the "Boya Co-education Base" honor to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School on April 19. Only 9 schools in Guangdong Province have been awarded this title and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School is the only one in Zhongshan.

PKU launched the "Boya Co-education Base" project last year, aiming to develop educational cooperation with middle schools to improve the quality and comprehensive accomplishments of students.

Lin Jialiang, principal of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School, said that the school will do its best take on the leadership role of a "Boya Co-education Base" to comprehensively improve the quality of personnel training and develop more innovative talent for universities by the further deepening cooperation and communication with PKU, continuously optimizing its curriculum, and intensifying the training of its teaching staff.

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