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Zhongshan organizes 1st special flight for talent
Updated: 2023-01-31    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Around 2:30 pm on January 29, a bus returning from the airport stopped at the Guzhen People's Square, with technical experts and administrative staff of enterprises in Zhongshan on board. They had traveled more than 2 hours and over 1,000 kilometers on a special flight organized by the government before the plane landed at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. This is the first special flight organized by the Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau this year to bring back nearly 100 technical experts and administrative staff for local enterprises. 

According to Zhong Xuming, deputy director of the Zhongshan Human Resources Management Office, from January 25 on, Zhongshan this year would bring back more than 6,000 employees of local enterprises through organizing special flights, trains and buses and issuing charter bus subsidies. 

Zhong added that the human resources and social security departments would also arrange 100 online and offline job fairs during the post-Spring Festival return peak, aiming to build supply-demand platforms for local enterprises and employees.

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