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9 schools in ZS approved to create national healthy schools
Updated: 2023-05-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On May 8, the Ministry of Education announced the first list of proposed national healthy schools through its website, including a total of 1,076 schools across the country.

Guangdong has 79 schools on the list, of which 9 are in Zhongshan, namely Zhongshan Shiqi Central Primary School, Langqing Primary School of Zhongshan, Zhongshan Shiqi Tiyulu School, West Zhongshan Tiecheng Primary School, Xiaolan Shengping Primary School of Zhongshan, Xiaolan Overseas Chinese Middle School, No.1 Middle School of Zhongshan, Zhongshan Experimental Middle School and Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Secondary School.

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