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TDZH first in Zhongshan to apply 'e-health code'
Updated: 2019-07-02    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The e-health code. [Photo/Xinhua News Agency]

Previously, patients needed to prepare different health cards for treatments at different hospitals. They could not retrieve the results of previous examinations when they went to other hospitals... But now, there are solutions to these problems that trouble many citizens.

On the morning of June 28, the launch ceremony of the National E-health Code (Zhongshan Pilot Program) was held in the Torch Development Zone Hospital (TDZH), which became the first hospital in Zhongshan to use "e-health code".

The "e-health code", also known as electronic health card, is a medical care card planned and designed by the state and promoted and applied nationwide. It contains citizens' personal information, identity, social security and other information, with one person holding one card (code).

At present, Zhongshan residents can apply for an exclusive e-health code through the "Healthy Zhongshan" APP and stored it in mobile phones or attached it to the medical record book. With the code, patients can enjoy convenient medical services in TDZH such as registration, outpatient payment, report inquiring, etc.

A total of 5 Guangdong cities including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan and Zhongshan have enabled "e-health code". In the future, all public hospitals and community-based medial centers in Zhongshan will be incorporated into the Zhongshan Electronic Health Card Management Platform. As the platform is completed, citizens will be able to realize appointment and registration, payment in treatment, report inquiring, and medical record inquiring in different public hospitals and community-based medical centers across Zhongshan with electronic health card.

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