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Zhongshan to adjust public medical institution service prices
Updated: 2019-11-21    Source: Guangzhou Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan is recently seeking advise from the public regarding the price adjustment of medical services in public medical institutions.

The adjustment mainly takes the standards of Guangzhou, Dongguan and other surrounding cities for a reference. After the price adjustment, the overall prices of medical services in Zhongshan City are still lower than those found in Guangzhou and Dongguan.

In order to lighten the burden of medical expenses on the masses, the items subject to the price adjustment shall be covered by the medical insurance fund in accordance with the relevant regulations of Zhongshan.

Price adjustment will be implemented at all public medical institutions in Zhongshan, including municipal public hospitals, township (district) public hospitals, and community-based health service centers (stations).

After factoring in the adjusted, prices for some items will be increased. A total of 797 items from diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and other medical items that reflect the service value, medical technology and medical risk of medical personnel are subject to the increase. The standards relating to outpatient and emergency medical fees and inpatient medical fees in hospitals at all levels are likely to be increased as well (5 items).

Specifically, the medical fees for chief physician, deputy chief physician, emergency treatment and hospital examination in Grade-3 Class-A hospitals will be raised to 25 yuan, 19 yuan, 19 yuan and 28 yuan respectively. The medical fees for specialists will increase to 100 yuan.

Utilizing instruments to replace humans and reducing the fees for some body check items (68 items) are primary measures that will cut down prices with an average reduction of 6.4%.

A 30% or less increase will be imposed on some 411 items of general treatment, clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment for children who are 6 years old or below.

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