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Zhongshan starts mixed vaccination program for COVID-19 booster shots
Updated: 2022-02-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Starting February 19, Zhongshan launched the sequential immunization (commonly known as "mixed vaccination") program to further consolidate the immunological barrier and the Biokangtai COVID-19 booster shots are available now.

Booster shot recipients have been adjusted to include "people aged 18 and above who have been vaccinated with inactivated COVID-19 vaccines or the CanSinoBIO adenovirus vector vaccine for at least 6 months".

At present, mixed vaccination is only available to people aged 18 and above who have been vaccinated with inactivated COVID-19 vaccines from Sinopharm CNBG Beijing company,  SINOVAC or Sinopharm CNBG Wuhan company for 6 months and have not already received a homologous booster vaccination. Those who meet the requirements are eligible for one booster shot each. Those who have been vaccinated a booster shot and people aged 12 to 17 are ineligible for the sequential immunization booster shots.

There is no charge for homologous booster immunization and mixed booster immunization. Recipients of both inactivated vaccines and adenovirus vector vaccines are eligible for booster shots.

Further Explanation:

The mixed booster immunization program refers to booster immunization with different vaccines with different technical routes from the one administered for basic immunization. Meaning, "the vaccine used for basic immunization is excluded for booster immunization".

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