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This hospital in Zhongshan renamed
Updated: 2022-07-25    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On July 21, Zhongshan Jishuitan Orthopedic Hospital held was officially renamed to Zhongshan Orthopedic Hospital (Zhongshan Orthopedic Hospital of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital).

"Cooperation with Beijing Jishuitan Hospital and their staff will remain unchanged after the name change, and the hospital will better serve the people as a third-tier specialty hospital under the jurisdiction of the Zhongshan Municipal Government." Wu Zhongqing, deputy director of the Zhongshan Health Bureau, said.

Zhongshan Orthopedic Hospital organized a free clinic service activity jointly with Maling Community after the rename ceremony.

The hospital also opened a gout treatment center on the same day.

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