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4th floor of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Library in trial run
Updated: 2020-06-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The social science literature area on the 4th floor of the new Sun Yat-sen Memorial Library opened for a trial run on June 13. Readers now are provided with reading, borrowing, returning, and inquiry services for literary and artistic books.

The opening hours of the 1st to 4th floors of the Library are from 9: 00 to 21: 00 Tuesday to Saturday, and 9:00 to 17:30 on Sunday. It will be closed on Monday. The total number of visitors per day is limited to 4,000, while the maximum number of readers in the library at one time is 1,000. Readers with appointments will have priority in entering the library. (Follow "Sun Yat-sen Memorial Library", click "Service Hall", then click "Reservation" to enter the reservation platform)

Until normal operation is resumed, the Library will continue to exempt readers from overdue fees incurred during the epidemic prevention and control period.

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