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Instructions on riding electric bicycles in Zhongshan
Updated: 2021-11-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

It is very convenient to travel in Zhongshan by electric bicycle, but do you know the traffic rules on e-bike?

Generally, there are four things you need to know when riding an electric bicycle in Zhongshan!

First, qualified electric bicycles should be registered.

Electric bicycles that comply with the new national standards must apply for registration and obtain a license plate before hitting the road!

New national standards for electric bicycles:

1. The length of saddle ≤ 0.35 m

2. Nominal battery voltage ≤ 48V

3. The motor power rating≤ 400W

4. The total weight ≤ 55kg

5. The width of the body ≤ 0. 45m

6. The center distance between front and rear wheels ≤ 1.25 m

7. The maximum speed ≤ 25 km/h

8. Warning tone for speeding

9. Pedals for manual riding

Second, where can we buy a qualified electric bicycle?

At present, Zhongshan has set up 32 registration service and sales stations for "e-bike with license" and 93 sales service sites, providing a convenient place for sales, registration and license issuance. The locations of registration service stations are as follows (Inquiry: 12314).


Third, where can we get our electric bicycles a license plate?

1. Zhongshan Traffic Police registration center

ADD: No.11 Jiangling Road West, Torch Development Zone (next to Daling Automotive Test Center)

2. China Post registration agencies

A total of 32 China Post registration agencies have been set up to handle the registration of electric bicycles and mail license plates to your door. China Post electric bicycle registration agencies are at the following locations (Inquiry: 12314)


Fourth, punishments on these violations.

Anyone who commits one of the following violations will be ordered to make corrections, coming together with a warning or a fine of 50 yuan!

1. Riding against traffic

2. Riding while intoxicated

3. Carrying passengers against traffic rules, or riding at a speed exceeding 15 kmph

4. Riding on an expressway

5. Riding bicycles, electric bicycles, or tricycles across motorways instead of legally getting off and pushing across

6. Residents without mobility disabilities driving motorized wheelchairs

7. Riding bicycles or tricycles equipped with homemade power supplies

8. Riding  electric bicycles and other non-motor vehicles equipped with power supplies, without registration according to the law, failing to hang license plates as required, or riding without appropriate licenses

9. Failing to ride in the prescribed lanes on motorways, non-motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks

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