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IVY CLUB founded in Zhongshan's Guzhen Town
Updated: 2022-10-08    Source: IVY CLUB Large Medium Small Print


IVY CLUB was recently established in Lighting Era Center, Zhongshan's Guzhen Town, aiming to build a new exchange platform for local Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs.

Located on the first floor of Lighting Era Center, IVY CLUB is open from 9:30 am to 10:30 pm every day. Parties for Chinese and foreign businessmen will be held here every Saturday to promote project cooperation in a harmonious and relaxed environment with light music and light meals.

IVY CLUB will also hold roadshows for international projects every month. All these efforts aim at matching suitable business partners for foreign trade enterprises and finding out valuable projects, projects with plans to enter the Chinese market and those with plans to "go global".

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