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[AI+LIFE HACKS] 107th Xiangshan Study in ZS opens
Updated: 2024-05-07    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

During the just-ended May Day holiday, Xiangshan Studies in Zhongshan once again saw a peak in visitors, with many citizens choosing to spend their leisure time in there with their families and friends. 

On May 2, the 107th Xiangshan Study in Zhongshan opened to the public at the Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Park. The study is located within a three-story modern white building and features a reading salon area, an outdoor activity area and a book bar. It houses approximately 10,000 books, including around 230 titles on Overseas Chinese culture.

On the day of its official opening, renowned host Dou Wentao attended as the first lecturer of the Xiangshan Salon, sharing reading experiences with avid readers.

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