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[Video] Finnish world champion attracted by dragon boat race
Updated: 2024-05-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Dragon Boat Race of Shiqi is a provincial-level intangible cultural heritage event in Guangdong, China. As the Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner, the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhongshan) Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament and Zhongshan Dragon Boat Culture Month will last from May to June.

The annual dragon-boat-raising ceremony of Nanxia village of Shiqi was held on May 25. The traditional 80-man boat team of Nanxia has maintained an impressive record of ten consecutive championships in the Zhongshan dragon boat race.

Jyrki Luomala from Finland is also a member of this team. He has been in the world dragon boat championships for 5 times, with two gold medals. It is his third year to join the dragon-boat-raising ceremony with the team. "I love the dragon boating and especially our teammates. They are happy, funny guys, but also good athletes."

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