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Sunwen Road West among first provincial leisure tourism blocks
Updated: 2021-10-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province recently announced the first 5 provincial leisure tourism blocks. Sunwen Road West in Shiqi District was among the list and the became first provincial leisure tourism block in Zhongshan.

Sunwen Road West has become a must-see place for tourists for its historical culture, unique Republic of China-era style buildings, and charming night scene. Over the recently-ended National Day holiday, this new provincial leisure tourism block attracted over 370,000 tourists.

During the previous Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, a series of activities including Intangible Cultural Heritage shows, art performances, tourist experience activities and sales promotions inspired nearly 200,000 citizens to visit.

At present, the Zhongshan Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau and Shiqi District are working on an urban homestay plan to introduce unique homestay projects. Before the coming New Year's Day, more parking lots will be built around the pedestrian street, and tourist toilets will be upgraded to facilitate a greater number of visitors.

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