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Shaxi Fenghuang Mountain Forest Park to start construction next March
Updated: 2017-12-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Shaxi Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, Fenghuang Mountain Forest Park, aka “Zimaling Park in Shaxi Town”, will start construction next march. 

Director of Shaxi Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau Peng Zhenhui introduced that the Management Committee of Fenghuang Mountain had been actively coordinating lands for the construction. Shaxi Town Government also took a series of actions in illegal farms and building waste removal.

There will be six functional zones in Fenghuang Mountain Forest Park: the flower-sea zone, the outward bound training zone, the forest protection zone, the functional service zone, the image display zone and the supporting service zone. The forest park will cover a total area of 350 mu, in which a sports park and a children park will be built in accordance with the “parks in park” construction mode.

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