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HOME > CULTURE & EDUCATION >Attractions > Lijingyuan selected as GD's most beautiful new-type public cultural space
Lijingyuan selected as GD's most beautiful new-type public cultural space
Updated: 2022-12-02    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province recently released the 2022 list of "Guangdong's Most Beautiful New-type Public Cultural Spaces". Twenty cases are on the list, including Lijingyuan Folk Customs & Art Culture Center (Lijingyuan Xiangshan Study).

Lijingyuan Folk Customs & Art Culture Center was established in December 2019 in West District as one of Zhongshan's first shared cultural centers. It sets up a Sun Yat-sen Culture Resources Exchange Center, featured exhibition halls, the Yueyun Hall and the Lion Dance Culture Inheritance Base and is open to the public for free all year round. The center, which regularly organizes Lingnan opera shows, Cantonese opera promotion activities for children and traditional festival and cultural activities, is an important platform for the development of traditional folk culture.


In June 2022, a new-type public cultural space, Lijingyuan Xiangshan Study, was established in Lijingyuan as a great destination for reading and relaxation.

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